Sunday, April 25, 2010

What a weekend.

Well Friday was the typical friday here take Chloe to school come home clean yada yada yada blah blah blah. Then in the afternoon the coffee fairy showed up with the best iced caramel latte I think I have ever had, big ol THANK YOU coffee fairy ;-) Oh and I got to talk to the hubs twice in one day that is unheard of since he has been away training and since he has been gone I have probably talk to him only 6-7 times boo, but he will be home soon. Chloe ended up stayin the night at her friends house that night so me Mary headed out to dinner, we were going to try the new burger joint that just opened up but oh no we were not going to wait in that line, the drive thru was all the way out in the road. So we decided to head to Cracker Barrel. I ended up have the open face roast sandwich and it was delish. After dinner we made our way over to wally world, I hate wally world, but I needed to pick up dog food so I could feed the puppies and I had to pick up some weed killer and then we just wandered around the store for a little while. We get back to the house and come to fnd out it was already 11:00 and we did not realize it was that late. Mary left and so it was just me and the dogs so we got settled in for the night.

Saturday was pretty typical day here, although I was not to happy to hear the neighbors music at 9 in the mornng that had me a little pissed, so the day went on and I sprayed the weeds now I'm just waiting for them to die. Saturday evening we loaded up in the truck and headed out to see the Marine Corps Silent Drill Team which was pretty cool, I have never seen them before except for in the Marine Corps commercials and we just made in time and after they were finished performing fireworks were set in celebration of the counties birthday and I have no idea what got into my child but she did not have listening ears and she at attitude and I was about to loss it. Chloes friend stayed the night last night no big deal because Chloe fell asleep on the way so it was nice in quite when they both were asleep.

Which brings us to today and Chloe woke up on the wrong side of the bed, that girl still had her attitude and whined all morning, I'm just glad that the rained stopped and it dried up outside. Other than that today was pretty boring here tried to clean but was pretty unmovtivated today and it was pretty darn windy out so I opened up doors and windows and enjoyed the breeze, it was nice. I also made dinner for the first time in couple weeks we had spaghetti not what I wanted but it was what I had on hand and was quick to make. Got Chloe bathed and all cleaned up and eventually into bed for school in the morning and I hope eveything will be better with her tomorrow because I was frustrated with her I felt like pulling my hair out, but I did mange to get a load of laundry done, WOOT WOOT. That was our weekend here pretty borning just like always, but the hubs returns this week and it will be nice to have someone to talk to again in the evening.

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