As the day went one everyone got quiet and no wan wanted to talk about what was going to happen in just a few short hours. As we are driving to his work the drive was very tense but we tried to act as normal as possible. We dropped J off at work and went over to were our FRO had a tent, table and chairs and snacks, it was a nice little set up for all the families to wait on their loved one. We ended up meeting up with our friend B and and her kids and C had someone to play with. Our men finally made it over to us for our last few hours together.
Then is was time to say goodbye. C did pretty well at saying goodbye better than I expected. I on the other hand lost it and all I could think about was did I tell him I loved enough, did we spend enough time with each other did we spend enough time with C and how I don't want to let go and I just want to hold him.
We said our final goodbyes and I lost again.
As he stood there I wanted to scream "DON'T GO" but I knew he had too. We had no choice in this matter.
He got on the bus and was gone.
So I pulled myself together and we drove home at 3:30 in the morning. I had to get ready for the movers to be at our home in just a few short hours. The new house is almost put back together. I just need to hang pictures back on the walls and organize the garage, but that will have to wait until the weather cools down, it is just to hot out there.
I did receive a call from my honey tonight and it was wonderful, he sounded tired but good.
Gee, you just made me relive that night and it brought tears to my eyes again. Let's not do anymore of that LOL. BTW, I'm totally lovin my moo-moo!